Navigating to Successful Student Outcomes with Standards-…

terms defined above, answer the following questions to determine whether your district or campus has a culture of standards alignment:

• Does the district have a written curriculum to guide the implementation of the standards? • Does the district curriculum communicate the level of student performance that demonstrates mastery of the standards? • Does the district curriculum include common formative and summative assessments to inform instruction? • Do central office curriculum staff provide training and support to help educators understand the standards deeply? • Do professional learning communities’ (PLCs ) discussions focus on teaching and assessing mastery of the standards? • Do teachers use the standards to guide what they want students to accomplish in each of their lessons? • Do campus and district administrators focus on standards alignment during classroom observations? • Do campus support staff (i.e., instructional coaches, resource/pull-out- teachers) provide guidance and/or assistance to classroom teachers to support differentiation and intervention? • Before providing remedial support for struggling students, do campus support staff have planning time with the student’s teacher to support the continuity of instruction? • Is assessment data analyzed to inform instruction, professional development, and curriculum updates?

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