Guidance for Selecting or Curating High-Quality Instruction…

Develop a Rubric

The five criteria used in the Fordham study provide a good foundation for a rubric. The rubric should also address the district’s instructional priorities for the content area and grade band. To foster buy-in, involve the selection committee members in the development of the rubric. Make sure that the rubric is not too long, because many resources will need to be evaluated. Once the rubric is developed, determine and clearly document how a resource will be deemed “ high-quality ” for inclusion in the library. For example, must reviewers reach a consensus “high quality” rating on all rubric criteria for a material to be included in the library? Must a submitted resource receive a minimum total or average rubric score in order to be included in the library?

Provide Training for the Selection Committee

Just as in the instructional materials review process, all reviewers must receive training on how to use the rubric to review different types of curated resources and how to submit their completed rubric(s). To facilitate consistent reviews over time, it may be beneficial to develop guidance with text-based examples of the difference performance levels on the rubric for each type of curated resource.

Conduct the Reviews

The number of resources submitted and make-up of the selection committee will likely determine whether reviews should be conducted in person or virtually. For example, if teachers will be reviewing the submitted resources during a PLC meeting, the reviews will likely take place in person. If that is the case, consider whether reviewers will be allowed to discuss their rubric feedback for each resource, which may be a valuable professional learning activity, or whether reviews should be conducted individually and completed rubrics submitted confidentially to avoid hurt feelings.


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