Guidance for Selecting or Curating High-Quality Instruction…

Once the rubrics have been submitted, the person in charge of the process should aggregate the rubrics responses and determine the list of materials that received the requisite rating or score for inclusion in the district library.

Create and Maintain an Online Library of High-Quality Curated Resources

Develop a way for teachers across the district to access the vetted resources easily. This may be as simple as creating a Google spreadsheet with links to each curated resource. Alternatively, the resources could be cataloged and linked on the district’s w ebpage for teacher resources.

The resources in the library should be re-reviewed regularly for continued relevance.


The internet and the widespread adoption of the Common Core State Standards have encouraged the proliferation of both commercially-produced materials and teacher-created resources. To support high-quality instruction, school systems must strive to ensure that district- and campus-purchased materials are standards- aligned, high quality and meet their teachers’ and students’ needs . However, teachers also regularly incorporate curated resources into their lessons, and quality of those resources is suspect. The confluence of high-stakes accountability, Covid-related learning gaps, and political scrutiny of district curriculum decisions necessitates a strategy to bring order to the chaos. Establishing a structured, transparent, and consistent process for evaluating the quality of both instructional materials and curated resources will support instruction aligned with the district’s instructional goals and students’ needs .


Blazar, D., Heller, B., Kane, T., Polikoff, M., Staiger, D., Carrell, S., Goldhaber, D., Harris, D., Hitch, R., Holden, K., and Kurlaender, M. (2019) Learning by the Book: Comparing math achievement growth by textbook in six Common Core states .


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