Overcoming Challenges of Standards Alignment

Alignment Strategy : Unless the publisher’s citations are defined broadly to include a page range or multiple pages, it is unlikely that a single citation will cover all of the content in this standard . When you encounter a standard with multiple pieces of content (or verbs, for that matter), if there is not a single citation that addresses all of the standard’s content or verbs, determine whether (1) multiple citations each address a different part of the standard’s content, and (2) in the aggregate, those citations address all of the standard’s content. Be sure to note which citations must be bundled together in order to align to the standard’s content completely.

Content Challenge #2 : The citation does not go as far as the standard requires.

Domain: Number and Operations in Base Ten Cluster: Extend the counting sequence Standard : 1.NBT.1. Count to 120 , starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral.

The content of the standard is numbers to 120 .

Alignment Strategy : If a citation does not extend counting, reading, or writing numbers to 120, (i.e ., it only requires students to count or write numbers up to 100 or even to 119), the citation would not be aligned to this standard. Document the citation’s gap so that teachers know that they need to supplement the material, either with their directions or another activity, in order to achieve alignment to the standard.

Context Challenges

Occasionally, the context of a standard may not be explicitly stated in the standard itself; rather, it may be stated in the overarching theme or topic of the standard. In such cases, it can be easy to miss.


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