Mapping Instructional Materials to Your District Curriculum

publisher’s correlation will make it easier to find citations in the material to check for alignment.

(4) Identify the materials that address the standards listed in each unit of the district curriculum. Using the publisher’s correlation or the material’s search-by-standard feature, determine which of your core and supplemental materials address the standards listed in each district curriculum unit. For each curriculum unit, make a list of those materials.

(5) Determine which citations in each material are aligned to each standard within the context of the unit of instruction. Begin with the first unit in the district’s curriculum and the primary /core material you want to map to that unit. Check the alignment of the citations listed in the publisher’s correlation for each standard contained in that curriculum unit. As stated previously, a citation must address all three Cs of the standard to be aligned to the standard.

Practice Tip

Publishers and educators often have different definitions of alignment . Therefore, it is critical to verify the alignment of each citation before mapping it to the district curriculum.

If a standard is repeated across multiple curriculum units, you may also need to check the alignment of supplemental resources (e.g., graphic organizers, leveled readers, etc.) in your core material and/or other supplemental materials you listed for that curriculum unit in the prior step (4) of this process. For each standard, make a list of the citations in each material that is/are aligned to that standard. Also, note citations that are only partially aligned to the standard, identifying which part of the standard each partially aligned citation does or does not address. Doing so will help teachers identify materials’ gaps.


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