Mapping Instructional Materials to Your District Curriculum

• Knowledge and Skills Statement (for Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)) • CCC DCI, SEP of the Performance Expectation (for Next Generation Science Standards). • Cognitive Rigor Cognitive Rigor is the performance expectation of the standard, or what the standard requires students to be able to do . The cognitive rigor is typically articulated in the verb(s) of the standard. A citation must address all three Cs of the standard in order to be aligned to that standard. This may be more difficult than it sounds because standards are often both compound and complex sentences that contain several nouns, several verbs, and several modifiers.

Use the Publisher’s Correlation as a Guide

The publisher’s c orrelation can be an invaluable resource for mapping materials to a district curriculum. A correlation may be provided as a print or printable document, or it may be embedded in the material’s search -by-standard functionality. Regardless of its format, the correlation identifies which standards the material addresses, and like a map, directs educators to specific citations in the material that address those standards.

Here are three pointers about publishers’ correlations:

• If a material does not provide a correlation to your state’s standards , it probably was not designed with your state’s standards in mind . Thus, the material likely will not cover all of the content and skills the state’s standards require students to learn. Consider using such a material for skills practice, engagement, or enrichment rather than as the primary/core resource for the course.


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